Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Here we go!

Over the summer months while attending a multitude of conferences I developed the desire to create a MakerSpace for our students. I was a little reluctant since I have never attempted anything like this, but after hearing Angela Maiers speak at eRevolution in Evansville I realized I would never be ready to host such a space, but my students are ready and can't wait for me to catch up. (If you ever get the chance to hear Angela speak, I highly recommend it. She does some extremely powerful things with students) Her mantra is, "How big is your brave?" So, here we go being brave!

I spent quite a bit of time researching materials I should purchase for the space. I bought and am reading Sylvia Martinez's book, "Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom". I signed up to hear her speak before the Indiana Connected Educator Conference just weeks ago. Some of the equipment I purchased include; an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Makey-Makey, Squishy Circuits, and a Printrbot Simple 3D Printer which I had to put together myself.

I also purchased a LEGO StoryStarter kit and would like the students to create some stop motion animation videos. The LEGOs are quite engaging, but are only one way I have shared with them as to how to create stop motion animation.

I have set up an iTunesU course for my tech team with the intent that they will become familiar with these tools prior to using them. I added videos explaining what the tools are and shared examples of projects using these tools.

My hope is to instill a maker attitude with these kids as well as allow them to see the potential impact that these tools can have on our world. I would also like for them to learn how to create a Personal Learning Network (PLN). I certainly don't have all the answers, but can model how to seek help from experts using technology.

Stay tuned for more updates and projects for our MakerSpace. I really hope to post some completed projects in the coming months.

If you happen to have any expertise please feel free to contact me. We would love to form a partnership with some members of our community.

Thanks for reading!

Mr. Hochstetler